Series 5-Crime Abhores a Vacuum

Quick Summary

With the assumed destruction of their BioMech enemies Todd Ticket and his allies decide to set up shop in their enemies abandoned underground headquarters and work to rebulid their previous lives as heroes of action.

In the wake of BioMech's destruction, local and international rival companies now begin to take hold of the crime markets the lost syndicate left behind.

And little do Todd and his friends realize that BioMech has been in the market, for years, and have established a wide, global reach.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Claw-Rebirth

Real name: Todd Ticket
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Calm, publicly shy, determinded, stumbles over words, likable, funny, good-natured, kind, but unlucky with girls.
Steel-worker turned gymnast, strong, agile, brave, unafraid of heights, quick-thinking/reflexes, and persistant.
Retractable twin drill/claws, one on each hand, able to fire from each hand and connected by a ionic-bond version of a magnetic tractor beam. Able to drill through solid metal with diamond-tipped drills and crush car engines with hydraulic claws. Claw ‘blades’ contain multiple dual-directions ‘hinges’ for versatility.
Claws are fired off with a combination of electromagnetic/harmonic repulsors. The repulsors are specifically tuned to the claw’s harmonic frequency so that they will pull back or launch out, instead of attracting/retracting anything else.
Interior of claws and bottom of boots contain alien ionic bonding substance, enabling him to stick to surfaces.
Interior of claws also contain ionic-bond firing ion cannons, capable of rendering electronic equipment worthless and living tissue unconscious. Later will be able to fire a liquid ionic-bond for trapping targets in place.
Helmet includes various filtering/analyzing/sensory-boosting/scanning equipment.
Ticket can target with his eyes by looking at his target. External speakers and internal functions are all voice activated.
'Clutch' terrain-climbing S.U.V.,
Dual, wrist mini-LAW’s on chains under his street clothes.
Preferred Strike: Double, claw-extended swipe.

Ticket and his friends are able to locate the culprit behind the destruction of Intellect Defense and the demise of Prof. Cloward: Superior Johnston. For vengence they destroy his illegal, underground science facility.

Facing an uncertain future, Ticket is able to gain the financial backing support from some of Prof. Clowards’s friends to help rebuild Intellect Defense. They decide to use Superior Johnston’s old facility as their new underground headquarters.


“I like to take a bite out of life.”

By day, he is an entrepreneurial playboy-type investor who provides funds for scientists working on super-hero–style technology and/or weapons. i.e. Dr. Max Schmall. He is not a scientist himself. He is the President of Sundown Inc.
By night he fights crime and preys on those that prey on others.

He approaches Todd Ticket and makes him an offer: if he can prove that he deserves to be the head of Intellect Defense by graduating from college with the necessary degrees in all the fields required, then he will help him to rebuild Intellect Defense. Now motivated by this new option Todd Ticket begins to take his studies more seriously.

What Todd does not know is the not-so subtle secret Sundown himself is keeping... or the nightmares it will eventually lead him into.


“Maximum power!”
A diminuative scientist who wanted to be bigger and allowed himself to be his own motivation. When it came time to test his theoriest on a live subject he did not hesitate to use himself.
Size-restriction liberator. A scientist working with molecular de-configuration and re-configuration.
Capable of increasing or decreasing the size of empty space between molecules of any object to increase or decrease their size… including himself.
“MagnaMax” and “Maximum power” was a nickname growing up, based off of his first name.
He does not own his own company and he gained his support from Sundown. He decided to fight crime himself instead of allowing someone else to have access to the technology and do it for him.

Fire Bird

Able to create and control fire. Also able to fly on the heat waves of her fire.

No one knows where she came from or where she got her powers from. She's friendly to The Claw but prefers to keep her past history quiet and to herself.


She was biologically altered to protect her origins and identity.
RAIL GUNS: Carries two, pop-up, internal mini-rail guns in each forearm. The designs were slopped together after extensive research into Dead Bolt’s rail gun. The designs were not stolen-they were figured out by working hard to spy on Dead Bolt.
ENDO SKELETON: Has a turbo-powered endo skeleton throught her skin and into her bones via the ionic bond. Through programming techniques it gives her super speed, strength, and very high jumps.
SECRET POCKETS: She has secret pockets/sheaths all over her body which carry various tools and weapons; including swords, throwing stars, first aid kits, rope, and escape artists lockpics.
BIONIC HANDS: She has 2 fake ‘hands’ over each real hand while ionically bonds into place and looks natural. When released it fires from her arm with a thing, non-destructable cord attached which is used as a grappling hook. She can still control the hand after it is fired. The fake hands have ionic bond on the inside, which bonds whatever it grabs onto. The firing/cord technology was given to them by Prof. Carter, as part of the Lashline project. Prof. Carter gave it to them in exchange for the a sample of the ionic bond, though he didn’t know it at the time.
EXTRA LIMBS: Always being upgraded, scientific technicians are trying to develop an extra pair of drop-down arms from underneath her real ones, like her fake hands to.
Her technology is powered by internal batteries; one for each section (with backups).

Created by Prof. Carter’s friend when he decided to take his advice and provide a service to help clean up the mess the scientific community caused when they moved in and put so many strong, young men out of work and into the crime scene.
Innovative Inc. works in secret with N.A.S.A. and based its experiments on the un-natural-appearing ionic bonding material brought back from Mars. At their satellite facility at N.A.S.A. they created a place specifically for testing the ionic bond. Some N.A.S.A. scientists felt the ionic bond should belong to everyone and should be made public but the president and his military advisors ordered to keep it a secret.
Before his untimely departure Prof. Carter was becoming frustrated with Ticket and the L.A.W. and developed New Project Lashline to replace him. While Lashline was in production Prof. Carter was still developing. Always the scientist he couldn’t put a good idea down. Prof. Carter designed Bionica but realized that the technology was impossible.
Prof. Carter’s friend managed to illegally smuggle some out when he discovered how easily it was to replicate. He could take some with him, duplicate it at his own company, and still be able to give some to Prof. Carter, too. And no one would know that any was missing.
Prof. Carter met with Prof. Carter’s friend for lunch at a small, public cafĂ©. Prof. Carter told him of his frustrations with his designs and why he was doing what he was doing – for the benefit of the community and to give back what the scientific community had taken from the city.
Pro. Carter’s friend believed his cause was just and made a deal with him: he would give him the secret to make his L.A.W. design possible if he would give him the designs for Bionica (including the technology designs for Lashline’s lashclaw). Prof. Carter agreed and Prof. Carter’s friend secretly gave him a sample of the ionic bond, which Prof. Carter learned to use himself.
Unfortunately, Prof. Carter didn’t get a chance to make Bionica himself. He tested the ionic bond on Ticket to see if it would work. If it did, he would bring the Bionica project to life! Fortunately, it did save Ticket and the L.A.W. project, his job, and many times over – his life!
Prof. Carter’s friend took the plans back to his own company. After the death of Prof. Carter, Prof. Carter’s friend knew his friend was right all along and his dream needed to survive. At his own company he created Bionica himself.
Costume is pinkish/burgundy/red with a ‘Russian-type’ symbol on it. She has a Russian background/accent, which is a cover for her. Tall, athletic, sporting athletic/gymnastic abilities. She has blonde hair (mostly died) and striking blue eyes (from contacts). Her hair is actually black and eyes are actually brown because she is actually from Puerto Rico.
They pit her against The Claw to see how well she does but she eventually grows to like him. They become a great crime-fighting pair.
What they didn’t know was that Dead Bolt’s rail gun was stolen from the Russian government. That’s what brings Iron Clad to investigate Bionica in Cycle City.

Grimley the Gargoyle

Has the heavily armored anti-gravity Bullet Sled weapon platform converted into a high-tech jetpack unit with retractable/telescoping wings.
They gained the technology from Lyonell’s Laboratories from one of Bionica’s missions. Because they gained the technology from someone else they won’t use it for public means-it would be industrial espionage. This will also force their enemies to come out against them. Instead, they’ll use in secret to fight crime.

Fyre & Knyfe

Professional circus twins who use their skills of acrobatics, juggling, tumbling, high wire, and contortion to fight crime. They often use circus tools, equipment, personnel, and animals to fight crime. i.e. The Human Cannonball’s cannon, lions/gorillas, high-wire, trapeze, etc.

Highly skilled circus performers who often get bored after a highly-charged, adrenaline-pumping show. When the show is over they race out together into the city’s night to find crime and stop it… as a form of post-show entertainment.
When they come across Triplet they are all impressed with each other’s abilities to work so well together. Triplet finally finds a pair of unique individuals who, although are not “Prowl” drug birth defect individuals, can understand what he’s going through.

Whenever they are in town they help to keep crime down in Cycle City when The Claw begins to travel around the world!


Real name: Aleshia Complice
Affiliation: Denton Bennett and The Claw
Temperament: Nice, cocky, over-eager, sometimes anxious, flexible, anticipating, and over-thinking.
Weapons/Equipment: An entire wardrobe of available costumes, set pieces, real and fake props/weapons, make-up gallery, and stuntman equipment. Prop pieces include stunt-doubles of The Claw's gear. Also has access to almost limitless amounts of reference material and information pieces.
Skills/Abilities: They can portray various accents, ages, attitudes, moods, and character flaws. They are also professionally trained in stage fighting/combat and stunts.
Preferred Strike: Handcuff criminals and call the real cops in an 'anonymous tip' for the final gotcha!

Another acting student at Fleetwood college where Denton Bennett and Todd Ticket attends; she learns of Impersonator's 'ciricular activities' and decides to join him!


An incredible gymnast with street-style parkour abilities. Capable of jumping, leaping, tumbling, and fighting like a monkey. Also has a body-length tail that can be manipulated to provide balance or be used as a weapon. His tail was made by The Machinist.

Helps to keep crime down in Cycle City when The Claw begins to travel around the world!

Hottie Rod

A female car mechanic/model who worked for a car making/repairing company with her mechanic husband.
One day their shop and manufacturing plant was senselessly attacked and destroyed by a band of high-tech and heavy weapon driving motorcycle band. She was the only one who survived and no one knows why they attacked.
After surviving and recovering she discovered a few clues that will lead her to an underground, criminal smuggling group based out of Japan.
Armed only with the remaining super-charged model cars left over from the attack she has vowed to pick up the pieces of her life and find her husband's killers. She's vowed to bring them to justice... even if she has to drive all night long.

Currently drives a black “Viper” with flames painted on them. Has a leather jacket with the same emblems on them.
Used to pose on them-now she drives them… to fight crime.
She joins up with the “Prowler” character The Mechanic, who loves to fix and upgrade her cars.
She will be joined by her future friend "Smokin'" Mocha. She is also eventually joined by Sable Blade, who begins his hunt for vampires in Japan.

Dead Eye

Professional, specialty sniper. His super-sniper scope is built into his eye piece. He doesn’t need to look through his eye piece scope to aim at his targets.

An ex-military soldier from an unknown location who used to be part of the same group as Dead Bolt. Dead Bolt sold out to an enemy their group was supposed to take out. He betrayed their group and supposedly killed them all but Dead Eye survived. Now, he aims for more than revenge – he wants justice on the man who betrayed their group… and their honor.
Has previously teamed up with Iron Klad when Dead Bolt worked for a time in Russia. Their position was compromised and Dead Bolt fled to Cycle City.


A disgruntled employee who used to work for Lyonell’s Laboratories and stole their technology to get revenge.

His armored suit boasts of what BioMech could not do-manipulate the flow of gravity by will! The Claw quickly realizes he is in over his head when he realizes he cannot fly or breathe in the upper atmospheres!


Between semesters The Claw travels around the world to fight BioMech's dangerous 'products.'

LOCATION: South America
The story that Constrictor was bought by farmers is only part true-it’s a cover story. To cover the remaining exuberant cost of making him the bill was covered by a highly dangerous Columbian drug boss operating out of Brazil. Apparently he had problems getting his shipments through… when a nest of deadly anacondas made them all disappear along with their product. When the anacondas got a hold of their product they became even more deadly… and addicted. They would then attack any human they saw, looking for the drug!


Created/developed by Lyonell’s Laboratories to stop Gravitous and to get their stolen technology back. His abilities were made from the same technology that made Gravitous.

His suit and gauntlets create a gravity-producing field that allow him to crush, rip, or destroy any object apart or together.

Wash Out

Between semesters The Claw travels around the world to fight BioMech's dangerous 'products.'

Living ionic bond! Able to naturally bond and move/effect/influence anything around him in a nearby vicinity-range 50 yard radius. Has to keep a battery on/with him to turn on or off as needed if a useable power supply is not available. Has been known to also recharge his portable battery from nearby power sources as well.
Created by Dr. ? with the same technology as Shatter Shard’s living tissue.

Purchased by a crime syndicate in Hawaii to help ‘influence’ gambling sports – specifically Surfing. However, further ‘study’ of his abilities allowed him to realize that he could control anything in his nearby vicinity!
An ex-steel worker (like most) he used to be a failure, or “wash out” in just about everything he did, including his lifetime profession. When he was fired (like most) he was picked up by BioMech with a promise of untold power-for a price. Like most, he agreed; he didn’t really have much of a choice.
After his transformation things started to really go his way – with his ability to influence things around him – including gambling. He soon found himself making more money than he ever could have legally and was able to create for himself a very comfortable living… and one that he’s willing to fight for.
His weakness would be an overload of electricity – that would bond him to whatever surface he is touching at the time… until the electric charge runs out! That is how The Claw eventually defeats him.

Stealth & Strength

A two-person thieves-for-hire team. Lock, Shock, and Barrel are competitors.

Raven Weave
Her black, body-length hair is all woven together like fabric to create what appears to be a long, black, cape.
In time she’ll learn to customize it to suit her needs (i.e. wings, clever outfit, etc.) It is also super strong and can be used to create types of armor. Also can make ropes, shields, helmets, etc.

Often times like to adapt her ‘hair’ to create a hood around her face. Also likes to attach her ‘hair’ to her shoulders so that it doesn’t pull her head.
Often needs to get a ‘cape-cut’ so that it doesn’t get too long.
She is the stealth and brains of the operation.

Mute Brute
“Prowl” birth defect character that shows physical difference characteristics-but also has a power! Large, large, large. However, his powers are based on anti-kinetics: no moving power or ability (including energy) can hurt him, giving him the illusion that he is indestructible.

Can still be hurt or affected by fire, electricity, ice, sound, frequency, harmonics, gravity, etc. Anything that doesn’t have to move. He can still be moved, though. Cannot talk but can hear just fine.

Mute Brute and Raven Weave communicate via sign language, Morse code, and the written language.
He is the brute strength of the operation.



Real name: Dr. Newton Harshaw
Affiliation: BioMech
Temperament: Excited, tunnel-vision, visionary, impulsive, focused on his work, socially inept.
Weapons/Equipment: Has a suit that allows him to manipulate metal objects magnetically, enabling him to construct them into robots, weapons, or other scientific necessities. His suit is charged by a self-generating reactor that maneuvers twin turbines around his body, giving him a magnetic-gravitational field. A set of four ‘quad-claws’ provide additional labor support and four remote-operated probe ‘eyes’ give him a better view of his work.
Skills/Abilities: Head of BioMech’s Robotics-Led Superior Johnston’s robotics division before he was defeated. He then became the Robotics science instructor at Fleetwood college.
Preferred Strike: I'm a robotisist, not a fighter.

Forced to get a job after Superior Johnston is defeated, Nexus gets a job as a teacher at the university Todd goes to. Without either of their helmets in place, neither recognizes the other.

Bullet Head

Rides the heavily armored anti-gravity Bullet Sled weapon platform.

Lock, Shock, & Barrel

A three-person all women thief team. Stealth & Strength are competitors.

Lock: In charge of “Acquisition” – she can see through objects with X-ray vision… and then manipulate what she sees with a minor, short range telekinesis. This includes objects, safes, security systems, weapons… and living targets (people and animals, like guard dogs.) The X-ray vision came from Superior.
Shock: Drop Dead - In charge of “Transportation” – she can reverse her own gravity’s polarity to allow her to walk on walls, the ceiling, or any surface. This also allows her to fall – literally – in any direction. This can be used to get around or as an attack.
Barrel: In charge of “Protection” – she can attack a target with mental martial arts: a series of telekinesis punches that feel like fists. She can also fire energy rounds from each arm. The energy rounds came from Superior.
Her brother has the ability naturally but she was not born with it. Paying a huge amount of money to Impervious she told him of her brother's abilities... so that they could extract the secret of his ability and give it also to her!

A team of 3 women with “Prowl” drug natural abilities and augmented Superior Johnston abilities.
They are often hired by Lyonell’s Laboratories to spy on their competitors and steal their new technology.

High Pitch-Final Phase

Real name: Sydney Hugo
Affiliation: Independent villian
Temperament: Spoiled, talented, rich, bored, intelligent, and thrill-seeking.
Powers/Abilities: He can naturally hear the breaking-point pitch/frequency in any object and match it with his surperb opera-style singing talent.
Preferred Strike: Hypnotizing melody.

His voice and ears are his primary weapon. A spoiled rich brat who believes his talents have earned him the best things in life - and he is prepared to take them by force.
Previously his powers came from a battery-powered set of speakers that he carried in each hand. However, the speakers were prone to breakage, which left him vulnerable in high-tense situations.

With the break-out of Crime Shark he returns to his quest to further his ability to project his skill. After hearing how The Conjurer worked to bond Mind Wipe's crystal to him he seeks The Conjurer out to ask for the same proceedure.
For a price The Conjurer completes the proceedure. With the success of his dangerous operation he becomes the most dangerous talent the world has ever known!

Flash Freeze

Hired thug and a failed Superior Johnston product. He was in the process of being created when The Claw destroyed Superior Johnston’s BioMech company.

Escaping the destruction of the facility he stumbled onto Crime Shark’s syndicate and he hired him for his ability to safely freeze their 'products' for transport.

He hopes to be returned to normal-or at least have his procedure finished.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Terror Dactyle

Using the same technology stolen from Gravitous the Company C publicly announced that this anti-gravity flight/drill suit was also ‘stolen.’ In all actuality David was hired to use the suit and technology to hunt down and locate the other secrets from their competitors (like The Claw) and find Gravitous so they can take the rest of his technology as well!

Company C’s answer to Blue Lightening-showing that they are not the only company to develop flight capable technology.
Utilizes the claw technology of The Claw… in the beak, allowing “Terror Dac” to fly through solid objects! ‘Claw beak’ also separates into two ‘mouth’ halves. Claw also folds backwards in on itself to allow the wearer’s face to be seen… something Todd’s claw does not do.
They are able to get away with duplicating The Claw’s technology because it does not exist on any public record! (But everyone knows where it came from.)
Super-sharp ‘buzz (bird) saw wings’ are also sonically sharp and will also cut through objects. Talons and clawed feet are designed for perching on vertical surfaces. Helmet enhanced with spy gear, similar to The Claw’s sensory-enhancing helmet gear.

The Conjurer

Real name: UNKNOWN
Affiliation: Independent villian
Temperament: Insane! Mentally unstable, fits of anger, flights of fancy, easily distracted... but still dangerously brilliant.
Weapons/Equipment: He created a pair of gauntlets that break objects down to their basic molecule and atom sub particles. He is then able to store them in a computer system as energy on his belt and use them to re-create new items. With this technology he is able to create objects from thin air – including weapons and shields!
Skills/Abilities: Intelligent in a variety of science fields, including, but not limited to: biology (including micro), chemistry, geology, zoology, and palientology. A lot of 'ologies.'
Preferred Strike: Make you vanish... then delete your file.

His insanity and creativity are his primary weapons!

When he discovered that Lyonell’s Laboratories created Terrordactyl he re-created his Tyrannosaurus Rex and ionically bonded the robot to living tissue as a resume piece to get them to hire him. It wrecked havoc on the city and both The Claw and Terrordactyl had to stop it.

Needless to say, Lyonell’s Laboratories didn't hire him... but he decided not to give up.

Pain Killer

Lyonell’s Labs was trying to deliver their weapons to a customer when the delivery truck was attacked by Company C who wanted their technology for themselves. The customer was an illegal Japanese cartel group known as the Black Dragons. The Black Dragons needed help against a rival group’s new weapon: one of BioMech’s new ‘products’, a half motorcycle/half man named MotorMan.

Lyonell’s Labs was forced to replace their order, which put them out a lot of money. The Black Dragons was ‘kind’ enough to supply one of their own to help Lyonell’s Labs recover the stolen equipment (and protect their investment, in case the ‘security breach’ ever led back to them!). So they sent one of their professional assassins to help Lyonell’s Laboratories find Sable Blade, stop him, and return their equipment to them.
Pain Killer is also able to keep his eyes on Lyonell’s Labs for his actual employers.

Phase-blades only hurt living tissue so they would not hurt undead monsters.
The frequency harmonies in the phase-blades repel each other like the opposite polar ends on a magnet. As such, 2 phase blades will NOT pass through each other! (Perfect for sword duals!)

Madam Mane and the Black Dragons

Leader of assassins, scouts/spies, guards, and warriors. The boss of Pain Killer.

Throughout the centuries their main enemy has been an immortal who has always pushed them back and kept them from global expansion. Hundreds of years earlier they even tried to wipe out his family to keep the line from spreading. They thought they succeeded. When they discovered, by accident, the DNA gene sequence of a modern-day rival who’d stolen some of their previously purchased equipment, they realized their worst fears had been realized. They’d previously sent one of their assassins, named Pain Killer, to handle the problem but their simple problem turned into a major one – when they discovered him to be the last of a long generation of their immortal enemy!

Fearing their problem, listed as Sable Blade could be their ultimate undoing, Lady Mane sent more of her very best assassins, spies/scouts, and warriors to take of the problem… permanently!

Viral Wire

Husband of Cycle City's female mayor and the producer of the city's biggest tv network.
He didn't believe in his wife's angle towards handling the affairs of the city regarding crime so when the opportunity presented itself to do something about it he decided to place matters in his own hands: crime-fighting journalism through psychological manipulation.
He came across an invention that not only provided him with the ability to teleport via tv and computer screens but he also has tiny camera cubes that can project realistic optical illusions.
Creating scenarios to criminals to show what could happen to them if they continue with their criminal activities, he fights crime by manipulating criminals into either stopping their criminal activities or turning themselves in altogether.
At the same time, he has to make sure his wife never finds out what he is doing: going against her agenda to stop independant crime-fighters.