Series 5-Crime Abhores a Vacuum

Quick Summary

With the assumed destruction of their BioMech enemies Todd Ticket and his allies decide to set up shop in their enemies abandoned underground headquarters and work to rebulid their previous lives as heroes of action.

In the wake of BioMech's destruction, local and international rival companies now begin to take hold of the crime markets the lost syndicate left behind.

And little do Todd and his friends realize that BioMech has been in the market, for years, and have established a wide, global reach.

Friday, June 25, 2010


She was biologically altered to protect her origins and identity.
RAIL GUNS: Carries two, pop-up, internal mini-rail guns in each forearm. The designs were slopped together after extensive research into Dead Bolt’s rail gun. The designs were not stolen-they were figured out by working hard to spy on Dead Bolt.
ENDO SKELETON: Has a turbo-powered endo skeleton throught her skin and into her bones via the ionic bond. Through programming techniques it gives her super speed, strength, and very high jumps.
SECRET POCKETS: She has secret pockets/sheaths all over her body which carry various tools and weapons; including swords, throwing stars, first aid kits, rope, and escape artists lockpics.
BIONIC HANDS: She has 2 fake ‘hands’ over each real hand while ionically bonds into place and looks natural. When released it fires from her arm with a thing, non-destructable cord attached which is used as a grappling hook. She can still control the hand after it is fired. The fake hands have ionic bond on the inside, which bonds whatever it grabs onto. The firing/cord technology was given to them by Prof. Carter, as part of the Lashline project. Prof. Carter gave it to them in exchange for the a sample of the ionic bond, though he didn’t know it at the time.
EXTRA LIMBS: Always being upgraded, scientific technicians are trying to develop an extra pair of drop-down arms from underneath her real ones, like her fake hands to.
Her technology is powered by internal batteries; one for each section (with backups).

Created by Prof. Carter’s friend when he decided to take his advice and provide a service to help clean up the mess the scientific community caused when they moved in and put so many strong, young men out of work and into the crime scene.
Innovative Inc. works in secret with N.A.S.A. and based its experiments on the un-natural-appearing ionic bonding material brought back from Mars. At their satellite facility at N.A.S.A. they created a place specifically for testing the ionic bond. Some N.A.S.A. scientists felt the ionic bond should belong to everyone and should be made public but the president and his military advisors ordered to keep it a secret.
Before his untimely departure Prof. Carter was becoming frustrated with Ticket and the L.A.W. and developed New Project Lashline to replace him. While Lashline was in production Prof. Carter was still developing. Always the scientist he couldn’t put a good idea down. Prof. Carter designed Bionica but realized that the technology was impossible.
Prof. Carter’s friend managed to illegally smuggle some out when he discovered how easily it was to replicate. He could take some with him, duplicate it at his own company, and still be able to give some to Prof. Carter, too. And no one would know that any was missing.
Prof. Carter met with Prof. Carter’s friend for lunch at a small, public cafĂ©. Prof. Carter told him of his frustrations with his designs and why he was doing what he was doing – for the benefit of the community and to give back what the scientific community had taken from the city.
Pro. Carter’s friend believed his cause was just and made a deal with him: he would give him the secret to make his L.A.W. design possible if he would give him the designs for Bionica (including the technology designs for Lashline’s lashclaw). Prof. Carter agreed and Prof. Carter’s friend secretly gave him a sample of the ionic bond, which Prof. Carter learned to use himself.
Unfortunately, Prof. Carter didn’t get a chance to make Bionica himself. He tested the ionic bond on Ticket to see if it would work. If it did, he would bring the Bionica project to life! Fortunately, it did save Ticket and the L.A.W. project, his job, and many times over – his life!
Prof. Carter’s friend took the plans back to his own company. After the death of Prof. Carter, Prof. Carter’s friend knew his friend was right all along and his dream needed to survive. At his own company he created Bionica himself.
Costume is pinkish/burgundy/red with a ‘Russian-type’ symbol on it. She has a Russian background/accent, which is a cover for her. Tall, athletic, sporting athletic/gymnastic abilities. She has blonde hair (mostly died) and striking blue eyes (from contacts). Her hair is actually black and eyes are actually brown because she is actually from Puerto Rico.
They pit her against The Claw to see how well she does but she eventually grows to like him. They become a great crime-fighting pair.
What they didn’t know was that Dead Bolt’s rail gun was stolen from the Russian government. That’s what brings Iron Clad to investigate Bionica in Cycle City.

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