Series 5-Crime Abhores a Vacuum

Quick Summary

With the assumed destruction of their BioMech enemies Todd Ticket and his allies decide to set up shop in their enemies abandoned underground headquarters and work to rebulid their previous lives as heroes of action.

In the wake of BioMech's destruction, local and international rival companies now begin to take hold of the crime markets the lost syndicate left behind.

And little do Todd and his friends realize that BioMech has been in the market, for years, and have established a wide, global reach.

Series 5 History-Time Line

6. While Marla is setting up BioMech’s old underground secret headquarters into their own base of operations Todd Ticket is approached by Prof. Carter’s old friend (Head of Innovative Inc.). He offers him a strong option. He believed in what Prof. Carter believed and agrees to refund his company IF Todd can prove to him that he can capable of running it effectively. Knowing what he does about Todd’s mental powers being boosted by Mind Wipe he tells him to go to school. If he can effectively finish his PhD. In all the appropriate sciences (to support his ability to run a company of that magnitude) then his friend will provide the funding. He tells him he has a trust fund set up in his name IF he completes the schooling. Todd agrees and begins to plan his classes.
His friend (Head of Innovative Inc.) then returns to his own company to check on a recovering Bionica in his own special, hidden labs!
The President of Sundown Inc. then approaches Marla and offers her funds, equipment, and repair stuff to help rebuild Superior Johnston’s HQ’s for The Claw’s use! He does not tell her that the government’s military special forces ordered him to not get involved because they were hoping to expose and catch Superior Johnston!

1. Gravitous- A disgruntled employee who used to work for Lyonell’s Laboratories and stole their technology to get revenge.

7. The President of Sundown Inc. is a rich entrepreneur who has a great desire to see the crime level brought down, is offering his resources to help (secretly) promote more heroes. He is not a scientist himself but would like to bring crime down (this is Sundown).
He is currently funding a little scientist who is brave enough to try his experiments on molecular spacing on himself. The results: he is able/allowed to become MicroMax!
Todd takes classes at the college, where Sable Blade, Shackle, and Nexus work. White Knight is also a student there.

1. The company that made Sable Blade’s equipment and wants it back!
They are open/available/known to the public but they also deal with underground weapon’s sales, as well.
They receives the accepted help of the Japanese assassin Pain Killer to try and stop Sable Blade and recover their weapons from him for their original client.
Pain Killer- Phase-blades only hurt living tissue so they would not hurt undead monsters.
The frequency harmonies in the phase-blades repel each other like the opposite polar ends on a magnet. As such, 2 phase blades will NOT pass through each other! (Perfect for sword duals!)
Lyonell’s Labs was trying to deliver their weapons to a customer: an illegal Japanese cartel group who needed help with a rival group’s new weapon: one of BioMech’s new ‘products.’ Lyonell’s Labs was forced to replace their order, which put them out a lot of money. The illegal Japanese cartel group was ‘kind’ enough to supply one of their own to help Lyonell’s Labs recover the stolen equipment (and protect their investment, in case the ‘security breach’ ever led back to them!). So they sent one of their professional assassins to help Lyonell’s Laboratories find Sable Blade, stop him, and return their equipment to them.
Pain Killer is also able to keep his eyes on Lyonell’s Labs for his actual employers.
Marla walks into their underground HQ’s to find an F.B.I. agent Hunter Fox ‘sniffing’ around (Wild Thing/Crime Watch… whatever) looking for signs of Superior Johnston. Little does Marla realize is the Federal Agent is a shape-shifting werewolf looking for signs that Superior Johnston is still alive! He’s also on the trail of some of his ‘products.’

Sable Blade is trying to stop some more thieves who are very quick about getting away.
Introduce Ringtail, who is great at getting around with his parkour/gymnastics ability and robotic tail/hand-feet. Sable Blade thinks that he is the thief but working together they capture the real culprits.

8. With Todd’s girlfriend no longer in his life and Bionica missing from the crime-fighting scene he starts to keep his options open about dating again.
Through his school he has a chance to meet Dr. Shad Owue and his ex-military wife Amanda Jane Owue (with their son Darkshade). Through them he is re-introduced to Sharleen – the bratty gymnast whom Todd has often tried to ask out at the local gym where he trains. For the first time ever she agrees to go on a date with him (with some unnecessary prodding from Amanda Jane)!
Impersonator reports to Random Bishop that there have been a rash of yucky murders going around which they have been careful to investigate. Todd hears similar things at his work, too.
On his date with Sharleen she is more than forward, putting her ‘hands’ on him under the table (at least, he thought they were hands) and he had to aggressively turn her down. He left her and she followed – and attacked with vicious aggression… and monstrous results! Only with his experience as The Claw was he able to escape.
Todd was taking some biology classes at the local university. Hoping for help he goes to him as The Claw. He turns out to be Sharleen’s dad and the reason why she is that way!
He got tired of his daughter’s prissy ways. Hoping to stop her he slipped bits of some plant extract formula her power drinks, hoping to make men by turned off to her. Instead of turning men off to her she got worse.
Over time she became dangerous as she started to attack them – with the intent to drink their blood dry! He found out too late that she’d been slipping her the extract of a Venus flytrap, and now men were her meals!
Desperate to escape with his life he ran – hoping to never face his dear daughter, and the truth he had to give her, again.
Knowing the truth The Claw goes out to find her before she can strike again.
The Claw runs into the President of Sundown Inc. in his battle suit who was tracking Maneater for other reasons… which he will not say. He thought the slaughter was due to some Blood Prowlers, not Maneater! They do not recognize each other. He helps The Claw defeat Maneater. When The Claw defeats her she retreats into the sewers to wait for another day to strike!

Fyre & Knyfe-“The show must go on!”
Professional circus twins who use their skills of acrobatics, juggling, tumbling, high wire, and contortion to fight crime. They often use circus tools, equipment, personnel, and animals to fight crime. i.e. The Human Cannonball’s cannon, lions/gorillas, high-wire, trapeze, etc.
Highly skilled circus performers who often get bored after a highly-charged, adrenaline-pumping show. When the show is over they race out together into the city’s night to find crime and stop it… as a form of post-show entertainment.
When they come across Triplet they are all impressed with each other’s abilities to work so well together. Triplet finally finds a pair of unique individuals who, although are not “Prowl” drug birth defect individuals, can understand what he’s going through.

1. Company C release Terrordactyl to spy on Lyonell’s Laboratories and the other companies to try and get their trade/technological secrets. Lyonell’s Labs and Company C are rival companies! The Claw has to go up against him.
Company C denies any connection (assuming The Claw can trade him back to them.)
Terrordactyl- Company C’s answer to Blue Lightening-showing that they are not the only company to develop flight capable technology.
Utilizes the claw technology of The Claw… in the beak, allowing “Terror Dac” to fly through solid objects! ‘Claw beak’ also separates into two ‘mouth’ halves. Claw also folds backwards in on itself to allow the wearer’s face to be seen… something Todd’s claw does not do.
They are able to get away with duplicating The Claw’s technology because it does not exist on any public record! (But everyone knows where it came from.)
Super-sharp ‘buzz (bird) saw wings’ are also sonically sharp and will also cut through objects. Talons and clawed feet are designed for perching on vertical surfaces. Helmet enhanced with spy gear, similar to The Claw’s sensory-enhancing helmet gear.
Using the same technology stolen from Gravitous the Company C publicly announced that this anti-gravity flight/drill suit was also ‘stolen.’ In all actuality Terrordactyl was hired to use the suit and technology to hunt down and locate the other secrets from their competitors (like The Claw) and find Gravitous so they can take the rest of his technology as well!

Fire Bird- Able to create and control fire. Also able to fly on the heat waves of her fire.
No one knows where she came from or where she got her powers from (she was created by Superior Johnson and ran away from her contract.)

2. Lyonell’s Laboratories is glad The Claw stopped Terrordactyl from stealing the secrets from Gravious. They release Aggressor to find and stop Gravitous for them.

Intro. Of car chick-Hottie Rod? Currently drives a black “Viper” with flames painted on them. Has a leather jacket with the same emblems on them.
Used to pose on them-now she drives them… to fight crime.
She joins up with the “Prowler” character The Mechanic, who loves to fix and upgrade her cars.

3. Jungle Fever- She has a natural M.A. (Mental Affinity) towards animals and is able to control them, call them, and use them at will.
Both parents were zoologists and biologists. Spent her life traveling the world with them and interacting with animals.
Seeing The Claw in action she was impressed how his claws and suit reflected so much of different animal benefits (i.e. swinging like a monkey, claws like a crab, eyes like a hawk, reach to grab prey like a frog, ears like a wolf, etc.). She tried to get him to fall in love with her by using naturally-produced animal pheromones but it didn’t work.
Well, you know what they say about a woman scorned… it makes a dangerous foe.

Dead Eye- Professional, specialty sniper. His super-sniper scope is built into his eye piece. He doesn’t need to look through his eye piece scope to aim at his targets.
An ex-military soldier from an unknown location who used to be part of the same group as Dead Bolt. Dead Bolt sold out to an enemy their group was supposed to take out. He betrayed their group and supposedly killed them all but Dead Eye survived. Now, he aims for more than revenge – he wants justice on the man who betrayed their group… and their honor.
Has previously teamed up with Iron Clad when Dead Bolt worked for a time in Russia. Their position was compromised and Dead Bolt fled to Cycle City.
Eventually joins the “Prowler” group to take out Crime Shark.

1. Scarlet Streak- Rides the prototype of The Gray Gargoyle’s heavily armored anti-gravity Bullet Sled weapon platform.
After its theft Innovative Inc.’s CEO decided to wait, create a new version of the weapon, and release it under a different theme – so that no one would link the two together and ruin the good name they are trying to create.
His Bullet Sled has all the compliment of gear, equipment, and weapons but also sports linked, triple-saw blades in each wing.
He wears dual gauntlets that fire binding cables intended to draw prey into his retractable, motor-driven chainsaws.
His heavy-armored mask was based off of killer ants in South America. It merges into the Bullet Sled for flight, has tracking abilities similar to The Claw’s, and can stop bullets. The mask’s blades are razor sharp.
Another out of work steel worker who was hired by Innovative Inc.’s CEO, following Prof. Carter’s suggestions to help take responsibility for putting so many out of work. Despite his good change of fortune he became disgruntled when he himself became a victim of the increase in the crime rate. When he learned that his employer was also secretly creating agents to help control the crime rate but only using pacifist force and weapons he decided to take matters into his own hands. He saw how the weapons had destructive and lethal capabilities but was upset that the CEO was making it only to capture! Stealing the prototype armor, weapons, and Bullet Sled intended for The Gray Gargoyle he set out on a mission of vengeance… with lethal tendencies. Fearing that the prisons and legal systems don’t work he decided to make the streets safer… by permanently removing those responsible for making them unsafe!

2. The Gray Gargoyle- Has the heavily armored anti-gravity Bullet Sled weapon platform converted into a high-tech jetpack unit with retractable/telescoping wings.
They gained the technology from Lyonell’s Laboratories from one of Bionica’s missions. Because they gained the technology from someone else they won’t use it for public means-it would be industrial espionage. This will also force their enemies to come out against them. Instead, they’ll use in secret to fight crime.
Same friend who was convinced to fund the rebuilding of Prof. Carter’s company in exchange for new technology (which Marla provides from Superior Johnston’s computers!).
In light of Prof. Carter’s death and Todd Ticket’s wife’s scientist’s death he knows he must tread softly in creating his, and Prof. Carter’s, uniting dreams.
Also helped create Bionica and The Gray Gargoyle to fight crime, like The Claw, in secret.