Series 5-Crime Abhores a Vacuum

Quick Summary

With the assumed destruction of their BioMech enemies Todd Ticket and his allies decide to set up shop in their enemies abandoned underground headquarters and work to rebulid their previous lives as heroes of action.

In the wake of BioMech's destruction, local and international rival companies now begin to take hold of the crime markets the lost syndicate left behind.

And little do Todd and his friends realize that BioMech has been in the market, for years, and have established a wide, global reach.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Terror Dactyle

Using the same technology stolen from Gravitous the Company C publicly announced that this anti-gravity flight/drill suit was also ‘stolen.’ In all actuality David was hired to use the suit and technology to hunt down and locate the other secrets from their competitors (like The Claw) and find Gravitous so they can take the rest of his technology as well!

Company C’s answer to Blue Lightening-showing that they are not the only company to develop flight capable technology.
Utilizes the claw technology of The Claw… in the beak, allowing “Terror Dac” to fly through solid objects! ‘Claw beak’ also separates into two ‘mouth’ halves. Claw also folds backwards in on itself to allow the wearer’s face to be seen… something Todd’s claw does not do.
They are able to get away with duplicating The Claw’s technology because it does not exist on any public record! (But everyone knows where it came from.)
Super-sharp ‘buzz (bird) saw wings’ are also sonically sharp and will also cut through objects. Talons and clawed feet are designed for perching on vertical surfaces. Helmet enhanced with spy gear, similar to The Claw’s sensory-enhancing helmet gear.

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