Series 5-Crime Abhores a Vacuum

Quick Summary

With the assumed destruction of their BioMech enemies Todd Ticket and his allies decide to set up shop in their enemies abandoned underground headquarters and work to rebulid their previous lives as heroes of action.

In the wake of BioMech's destruction, local and international rival companies now begin to take hold of the crime markets the lost syndicate left behind.

And little do Todd and his friends realize that BioMech has been in the market, for years, and have established a wide, global reach.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Claw-Rebirth

Real name: Todd Ticket
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Calm, publicly shy, determinded, stumbles over words, likable, funny, good-natured, kind, but unlucky with girls.
Steel-worker turned gymnast, strong, agile, brave, unafraid of heights, quick-thinking/reflexes, and persistant.
Retractable twin drill/claws, one on each hand, able to fire from each hand and connected by a ionic-bond version of a magnetic tractor beam. Able to drill through solid metal with diamond-tipped drills and crush car engines with hydraulic claws. Claw ‘blades’ contain multiple dual-directions ‘hinges’ for versatility.
Claws are fired off with a combination of electromagnetic/harmonic repulsors. The repulsors are specifically tuned to the claw’s harmonic frequency so that they will pull back or launch out, instead of attracting/retracting anything else.
Interior of claws and bottom of boots contain alien ionic bonding substance, enabling him to stick to surfaces.
Interior of claws also contain ionic-bond firing ion cannons, capable of rendering electronic equipment worthless and living tissue unconscious. Later will be able to fire a liquid ionic-bond for trapping targets in place.
Helmet includes various filtering/analyzing/sensory-boosting/scanning equipment.
Ticket can target with his eyes by looking at his target. External speakers and internal functions are all voice activated.
'Clutch' terrain-climbing S.U.V.,
Dual, wrist mini-LAW’s on chains under his street clothes.
Preferred Strike: Double, claw-extended swipe.

Ticket and his friends are able to locate the culprit behind the destruction of Intellect Defense and the demise of Prof. Cloward: Superior Johnston. For vengence they destroy his illegal, underground science facility.

Facing an uncertain future, Ticket is able to gain the financial backing support from some of Prof. Clowards’s friends to help rebuild Intellect Defense. They decide to use Superior Johnston’s old facility as their new underground headquarters.

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