A three-person all women thief team. Stealth & Strength are competitors.
Lock: In charge of “Acquisition” – she can see through objects with X-ray vision… and then manipulate what she sees with a minor, short range telekinesis. This includes objects, safes, security systems, weapons… and living targets (people and animals, like guard dogs.) The X-ray vision came from Superior.
Shock: Drop Dead - In charge of “Transportation” – she can reverse her own gravity’s polarity to allow her to walk on walls, the ceiling, or any surface. This also allows her to fall – literally – in any direction. This can be used to get around or as an attack.
Barrel: In charge of “Protection” – she can attack a target with mental martial arts: a series of telekinesis punches that feel like fists. She can also fire energy rounds from each arm. The energy rounds came from Superior.
Her brother has the ability naturally but she was not born with it. Paying a huge amount of money to Impervious she told him of her brother's abilities... so that they could extract the secret of his ability and give it also to her!
A team of 3 women with “Prowl” drug natural abilities and augmented Superior Johnston abilities.
They are often hired by Lyonell’s Laboratories to spy on their competitors and steal their new technology.
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